In [1]:
import pandas as pd

/Users/Monica/.virtualenvs/dataanalysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Duplicate key in file "/Users/Monica/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc", line #2
  (fname, cnt))

In [2]:
violations_df = pd.read_csv("violations.csv")
#violations_df = pd.read_csv("violations.csv", nrows=100)

In [3]:
# 1. I want to make sure my Plate ID is a string. Can't lose the leading zeroes!

#3. I want the dates to be dates! Read the read_csv documentation to find out how to make pandas automatically parse dates.
col_types = { 'Plate ID': 'str'}
dof_violations_df = pd.read_csv("DOF_Parking_Violation_Codes.csv", dtype=col_types, parse_dates=True)
#dof_violations_df = pd.read_csv("DOF_Parking_Violation_Codes.csv", dtype=col_types, parse_dates=True, nrows=100)

In [4]:
# print(violations_df.columns)

In [5]:
# len(violations_df)

In [6]:
# print(dof_violations_df.head())
  1. I don't think anyone's car was built in 0AD. Discard the '0's as NaN.

In [7]:
violations_df = violations_df[violations_df['Vehicle Year'] != 0]
# print(violations_df['Vehicle Year'].head())
  1. "Date first observed" is a pretty weird column, but it seems like it has a date hiding inside. Using a function with .apply, transform the string (e.g. "20140324") into a Python date. Make the 0's show up as NaN.

In [8]:
# print(violations_df['Date First Observed'].head())

In [9]:
import datetime
violations_df.head()['Issue Date'].astype(datetime.datetime)

0    08/04/2013
1    08/04/2013
3    08/05/2013
4    08/08/2013
6    08/11/2013
Name: Issue Date, dtype: object

In [10]:
import datetime
violations_df.head()['Issue Date'].astype(datetime.datetime)

#violations_df['Issue Date'] = violations_df['Issue Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')

0    08/04/2013
1    08/04/2013
3    08/05/2013
4    08/08/2013
6    08/11/2013
Name: Issue Date, dtype: object

In [11]:
# violations_df.dtypes
  1. "Violation time" is... not a time. Make it a time.

In [12]:
import re
# violations_df['Violation Time'].head()

In [13]:
import numpy as np
# Build a function using that method
def time_to_datetime(str_time):
    #str_time = re.sub('^0', '', str_time)
        if isinstance(str_time, str):
            str_time = str_time + "M"
            #print("Trying to convert", str_time, "into a time")
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(str_time.strip(), "%I%M%p").time()
     #   if str_time == -999:
      #      print("It's -999")
       #     return np.nan
        return np.nan

In [14]:
# Apply that method to the 'Time' column of the dataframe
violations_df['Violation Time'] = violations_df['Violation Time'].apply(time_to_datetime)

In [15]:
print(violations_df['Violation Time'].head())

0    07:52:00
1    12:40:00
3    14:32:00
4    12:39:00
6    19:41:00
Name: Violation Time, dtype: object

In [16]:
# def remove_1900(year):
#     year = str(year)
#     year = re.sub('^1900-01-01', '', year)
#     return year

# print(violations_df['Violation Time'].apply(remove_1900))
  1. There sure are a lot of colors of cars, too bad so many of them are the same. Make "BLK" and "BLACK", "WT" and "WHITE", and any other combinations that you notice.

In [17]:
import re

In [18]:
def vehicle_colors(vehicle):
    if isinstance(vehicle, str):
        vehicle = re.sub('^GY$', 'GREY', vehicle)
        #vehicle = vehicle.replace("GY", "GREY")
        vehicle = re.sub('^WH$', 'WHITE', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^BR$', 'BROWN', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^RD$', 'RED', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^B[LK]$', 'BLACK', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^TN$', 'TAN', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^YW$', 'YELLOW', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^SIL$', 'SILVER', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^GR$', 'GREEN', vehicle)
        vehicle = re.sub('^SILVE$', 'SILVER', vehicle)
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("WH","WHITE")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("BR","BROWN")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("RD","RED")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("BL","BLACK")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("BK","BLACK")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("TN","TAN")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("YW","YELLOW")
#         vehicle = re.sub('SIL$', 'SILVER', vehicle)
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("SILVR","SILVER")
#         vehicle = vehicle.replace("SIL","SILVER")
    return vehicle

violations_df['Vehicle Color'] = violations_df['Vehicle Color'].apply(vehicle_colors)

In [19]:
violations_df['Vehicle Color'].head()

0     GREY
1    WHITE
3    WHITE
4    BROWN
6       GN
Name: Vehicle Color, dtype: object
  1. Join the data with the Parking Violations Code dataset from the NYC Open Data site.

In [20]:
violations_df['Violation Code'].head()

Index(['Summons Number', 'Plate ID', 'Registration State', 'Plate Type',
       'Issue Date', 'Violation Code', 'Vehicle Body Type', 'Vehicle Make',
       'Issuing Agency', 'Street Code1', 'Street Code2', 'Street Code3',
       'Vehicle Expiration Date', 'Violation Location', 'Violation Precinct',
       'Issuer Precinct', 'Issuer Code', 'Issuer Command', 'Issuer Squad',
       'Violation Time', 'Time First Observed', 'Violation County',
       'Violation In Front Of Or Opposite', 'House Number', 'Street Name',
       'Intersecting Street', 'Date First Observed', 'Law Section',
       'Sub Division', 'Violation Legal Code', 'Days Parking In Effect    ',
       'From Hours In Effect', 'To Hours In Effect', 'Vehicle Color',
       'Unregistered Vehicle?', 'Vehicle Year', 'Meter Number',
       'Feet From Curb', 'Violation Post Code', 'Violation Description',
       'No Standing or Stopping Violation', 'Hydrant Violation',
       'Double Parking Violation'],
0    46
1    46
3    46
4    41
6    14
Name: Violation Code, dtype: int64

In [21]:

Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code Vehicle Body Type Vehicle Make Issuing Agency Street Code1 ... Vehicle Color Unregistered Vehicle? Vehicle Year Meter Number Feet From Curb Violation Post Code Violation Description No Standing or Stopping Violation Hydrant Violation Double Parking Violation
0 1283294138 GBB9093 NY PAS 08/04/2013 46 SUBN AUDI P 37250 ... GREY 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1283294151 62416MB NY COM 08/04/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37290 ... WHITE 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1283294175 63009MA NY COM 08/05/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37270 ... WHITE 0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1283294187 91648MC NY COM 08/08/2013 41 TRLR GMC P 37240 ... BROWN 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 1283294229 GCR2838 NY PAS 08/11/2013 14 VAN NaN P 37250 ... GN 0 2011 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 1283983631 GBH9379 NY PAS 08/07/2013 24 SDN TOYOT X 63430 ... WHITE 0 2001 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 1283983667 MCL78B NJ PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN SUBAR H 0 ... BLACK 0 2005 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 1283983679 M367CN NY PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN HYUND H 0 ... BLUE 0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
11 1283983734 GAR6813 NY PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN TOYOT H 0 ... TAN 0 1998 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
13 1283983825 GAC2703 NY PAS 08/12/2013 24 SDN NISSA X 23230 ... WHITE 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
14 1286036800 40793JY NY COM 07/05/2013 14 VAN CHEVR P 34190 ... GREEN 0 1995 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
15 1286123550 GAD1485 NY PAS 08/12/2013 20 SDN VOLKS T 28930 ... WHITE 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
16 1286246398 GFC5338 NY PAS 07/26/2013 14 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... GRAY 0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
18 1286248000 GJA3452 NY PAS 07/23/2013 14 SDN KIA T 73690 ... WHITE 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
21 1286289841 GAV9235 NY PAS 07/20/2013 50 SDN HONDA T 0 ... GREY 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
23 1286799648 GDE3973 NY PAS 07/20/2013 40 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... TAN 0 2003 - 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
25 1286807475 GGL6608 NY PAS 07/26/2013 40 SDN NISSA T 73650 ... WHT 0 2013 - 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
26 1286807633 84301JU NY COM 07/19/2013 14 P-U DODGE X 63030 ... WHITE 0 2001 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
28 1287320491 50097JX NY COM 08/07/2013 40 VAN MERCU T 23190 ... RED 0 2003 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
29 1287320570 GEJ9154 NY PAS 08/06/2013 51 VAN TOYOT X 93230 ... GREY 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
35 1288135920 GFM8884 NY OMS 07/24/2013 19 SUBN ME/BE X 0 ... BLU 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
36 1288259270 43517LA NY PAS 08/02/2013 18 SDN CADIL P 73720 ... WHT 0 2004 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
38 1289971754 XDB4574 VA PAS 08/01/2013 40 VAN TOYOT P 13610 ... RED 0 2007 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
39 1290136210 GGW7930 NY PAS 07/25/2013 74 SUBN MAZDA P 56600 ... TAN 0 2002 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
40 1290834349 429J6JM NY COM 07/23/2013 46 DELV INTER P 0 ... BROWN 0 1996 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
41 1290834362 GBC9079 NY PAS 07/27/2013 98 SDN MERCU P 14490 ... GREY 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
47 1291896399 G24BLB NJ PAS 07/19/2013 40 SDN INFIN P 41900 ... BLACK 0 2011 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
48 1291898384 GER8956 NY SRF 07/26/2013 14 SDN CHEVR P 53000 ... GRAY 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
49 1291905236 85796MC NY COM 07/26/2013 17 DELV ISUZU P 33990 ... WHITE 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
50 1292755052 GBB7685 NY PAS 07/14/2013 19 SDN LEXUS X 59990 ... WHITE 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
53 1292756792 GDX8921 99 PAS 07/15/2013 19 SDN HONDA X 28790 ... SILVER 0 2003 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
55 1293030739 GHG2484 NY PAS 08/11/2013 46 NaN FORD P 26440 ... BLACK 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
56 1293090530 GES3519 NY PAS 07/07/2013 40 SDN HONDA F 70630 ... BLACK 0 1997 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
57 1293094389 GDS9810 NJ PAS 06/20/2013 31 SDN BMW P 24890 ... SILVER 0 2007 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
58 1293100924 64195MC NY COM 06/20/2013 46 VAN WHITE F 81330 ... WHITE 0 1998 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
61 1293101758 GCF5651 NY PAS 05/24/2013 17 SUBN CHRYS F 24990 ... GREEN 0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
62 1293101783 GCF5651 NY PAS 06/24/2013 14 SUBN CHRYS F 24990 ... TAN 0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
63 1293107761 4N11B NY OMT 06/07/2013 14 VAN FORD F 34310 ... YELLO 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
64 1293525560 T632455C NY SRF 07/29/2013 14 SDN LINCO P 39430 ... GRY 0 2005 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
65 1293525625 GGP1847 NY PAS 07/29/2013 46 SUBN HONDA P 0 ... WHT 0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
73 1294712755 GHF1267 NY PAS 07/21/2013 16 VAN CHRYS P 14510 ... BLUE 0 2002 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
74 1294712779 578032 NY PAS 07/30/2013 17 SDN AUDI P 14510 ... BLACK 0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
76 1294712792 GCX7943 NY PAS 07/30/2013 17 SDN AUDI P 14510 ... BLACK 0 1999 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
82 1294712901 GDZ4899 NY PAS 08/04/2013 17 SUBN CHRYS P 14510 ... RED 0 2002 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
84 1294712950 GCF7473 NY PAS 08/04/2013 17 SDN HYUND P 14510 ... BLACK 0 2001 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
87 1294713218 GFC8215 NY PAS 08/13/2013 38 SUBN CHEVR P 0 ... BLACK 0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

46 rows × 43 columns

In [22]:

Index(['CODE', 'DEFINITION', 'Manhattan  96th St. & below', 'All Other Areas'], dtype='object')
0    10
1    11
2    12
3    13
4    14
Name: CODE, dtype: object

In [23]:
# violations_df.merge(dof_violations_df, left_on='Violation Code', right_on='CODE')

In [24]:
#test = dof_violations_df['CODE'][0]

def to_int(test):
        # test = re.sub('$', '', test)
        test = test.strip("$")
        test = int(test)
        #print(test, " is now an int")
        return test
        print(test, " coult not be converted to an int")
        return np.nan

In [25]:
dof_violations_df['CODE'] = dof_violations_df['CODE'].apply(to_int)

37-38  coult not be converted to an int
  1. Join the data with the Parking Violations Code dataset from the NYC Open Data site.

In [26]:
violations_df = violations_df.merge(dof_violations_df, left_on='Violation Code', right_on='CODE')
  1. How much money did NYC make off of parking violations?

In [27]:

/Users/Monica/.virtualenvs/dataanalysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: Invalid value encountered in percentile
Summons Number Violation Code Street Code1 Street Code2 Street Code3 Vehicle Expiration Date Violation Location Violation Precinct Issuer Precinct Issuer Code ... Violation Legal Code Unregistered Vehicle? Vehicle Year Feet From Curb Violation Post Code Violation Description No Standing or Stopping Violation Hydrant Violation Double Parking Violation CODE
count 4.400000e+01 44.000000 44.000000 44.000000 44.000000 4.400000e+01 43.000000 44.000000 44.000000 44.000000 ... 0.0 44.0 44.000000 44.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.000000
mean 1.289335e+09 30.113636 31847.272727 28144.340909 28321.454545 1.876975e+07 61.674419 60.272727 279.386364 679245.500000 ... NaN 0.0 2007.090909 0.227273 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 30.113636
std 4.022321e+06 18.104626 25830.368405 20609.272005 20557.940516 5.135935e+06 39.000440 39.649842 348.814018 338298.083452 ... NaN 0.0 5.753940 1.361662 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.104626
min 1.283294e+09 14.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... NaN 0.0 1995.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.000000
25% 1.286216e+09 17.000000 14505.000000 13210.000000 15578.750000 2.014066e+07 NaN 20.000000 0.000000 343494.500000 ... NaN 0.0 2002.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.000000
50% 1.290054e+09 24.000000 27615.000000 26965.000000 25680.000000 2.014093e+07 NaN 73.000000 106.000000 919856.000000 ... NaN 0.0 2010.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.000000
75% 1.293096e+09 41.500000 44675.000000 40404.000000 39870.750000 2.014345e+07 NaN 85.000000 458.500000 930130.000000 ... NaN 0.0 2012.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 41.500000
max 1.294713e+09 98.000000 93230.000000 74830.000000 83330.000000 2.015102e+07 120.000000 120.000000 976.000000 947582.000000 ... NaN 0.0 2013.000000 9.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 98.000000

8 rows × 23 columns

In [28]:

Index(['Summons Number', 'Plate ID', 'Registration State', 'Plate Type',
       'Issue Date', 'Violation Code', 'Vehicle Body Type', 'Vehicle Make',
       'Issuing Agency', 'Street Code1', 'Street Code2', 'Street Code3',
       'Vehicle Expiration Date', 'Violation Location', 'Violation Precinct',
       'Issuer Precinct', 'Issuer Code', 'Issuer Command', 'Issuer Squad',
       'Violation Time', 'Time First Observed', 'Violation County',
       'Violation In Front Of Or Opposite', 'House Number', 'Street Name',
       'Intersecting Street', 'Date First Observed', 'Law Section',
       'Sub Division', 'Violation Legal Code', 'Days Parking In Effect    ',
       'From Hours In Effect', 'To Hours In Effect', 'Vehicle Color',
       'Unregistered Vehicle?', 'Vehicle Year', 'Meter Number',
       'Feet From Curb', 'Violation Post Code', 'Violation Description',
       'No Standing or Stopping Violation', 'Hydrant Violation',
       'Double Parking Violation', 'CODE', 'DEFINITION',
       'Manhattan  96th St. & below', 'All Other Areas'],

In [29]:
violations_df['Summons Number']

0     1283294138
1     1283294151
2     1283294175
3     1290834349
4     1293030739
5     1293100924
6     1293525625
7     1283294229
8     1286036800
9     1286246398
10    1286248000
11    1286807633
12    1291898384
13    1293101783
14    1293107761
15    1293525560
16    1283983631
17    1283983667
18    1283983679
19    1283983734
20    1283983825
21    1286123550
22    1286289841
23    1286799648
24    1286807475
25    1287320491
26    1289971754
27    1291896399
28    1293090530
29    1287320570
30    1288135920
31    1292755052
32    1292756792
33    1288259270
34    1290136210
35    1290834362
36    1291905236
37    1293101758
38    1294712779
39    1294712792
40    1294712901
41    1294712950
42    1293094389
43    1294712755
Name: Summons Number, dtype: int64

In [30]:
violations_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below']

0     $115 
1     $115 
2     $115 
3     $115 
4     $115 
5     $115 
6     $115 
7     $115 
8     $115 
9     $115 
10    $115 
11    $115 
12    $115 
13    $115 
14    $115 
15    $115 
16     $65 
17     $65 
18     $65 
19     $65 
20     $65 
21     $65 
22    $115 
23    $115 
24    $115 
25    $115 
26    $115 
27    $115 
28    $115 
29    $115 
30    $115 
31    $115 
32    $115 
33    $115 
34     $65 
35     $95 
36     $95 
37     $95 
38     $95 
39     $95 
40     $95 
41     $95 
42    $115 
43     $95 
Name: Manhattan  96th St. & below, dtype: object

In [31]:
violations_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'] = violations_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'].apply(to_int)

In [32]:
violations_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'].sum()


In [33]:
violations_df['All Other Areas'] = violations_df['All Other Areas'].apply(to_int)

In [34]:
violations_df['All Other Areas'].sum()


In [35]:
violations_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'].describe()

count     44.000000
mean     103.409091
std       18.545128
min       65.000000
25%       95.000000
50%      115.000000
75%      115.000000
max      115.000000
Name: Manhattan  96th St. & below, dtype: float64
  1. What's the most lucrative kind of parking violation? Below lists all the ones that chaarge $115, which is the highest amount

In [36]:
violations_df.groupby('CODE')['All Other Areas'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False).head(8)

51.0    115
50.0    115
46.0    115
40.0    115
31.0    115
19.0    115
18.0    115
14.0    115
Name: All Other Areas, dtype: int64

The most frequent parking violation is:

In [37]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
freqNYviolations = violations_df.groupby('CODE')['All Other Areas'].count().sort_values(ascending=False).head().plot(kind="bar", color = ['#624ea7', '#599ad3', '#f9a65a', '#9e66ab', 'purple'])
freqNYviolations.set_title('Most Frequent NYC Parking Violations by Code')
freqNYviolations.set_xlabel('Parking Violation Code')
freqNYviolations.set_ylabel('Frequency of Citations')

In [38]:
violations_df.groupby('CODE')['All Other Areas'].count().sort_values(ascending=False).head(1)

14.0    9
Name: All Other Areas, dtype: int64

In [39]:
# violations_df.sort_values('All Other Areas', ascending=False)
  1. New Jersey has bad drivers, but does it have bad parkers, too?

In [40]:
nj_violations_df = violations_df[violations_df['Registration State'] != 'NJ']

print("There were", len(nj_violations_df['All Other Areas']), "parking violations in NYC by drivers registered in New Jersey")
print("These violations totaled", nj_violations_df['All Other Areas'].sum(), "of revenue")

There were 41 parking violations in NYC by drivers registered in New Jersey
These violations totaled 4230 of revenue

How much money does NYC make off of all non-New York vehicles?

  1. Make a chart of the top few.

In [41]:
violations_df.groupby('Registration State')['All Other Areas'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head(8)

Registration State
NY    4000
NJ     290
VA     115
99     115
Name: All Other Areas, dtype: int64

In [42]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

nonny_violations_df = violations_df[violations_df['Registration State'] != 'NY']
nonny_violations_df = nonny_violations_df[violations_df['Registration State'] != '99']
nonNYviolations = nonny_violations_df.groupby('Registration State')['All Other Areas'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head(20).plot(kind="bar", color = ['#624ea7', '#599ad3', '#f9a65a', '#9e66ab', 'purple'])
nonNYviolations.set_title('Money Earned from NYC Parking Violations by State')
nonNYviolations.set_xlabel('Vehicle Registration State (NON-NYS)')
nonNYviolations.set_ylabel('Amount Earned')

/Users/Monica/.virtualenvs/dataanalysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.

In [43]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

nonny_violations_df = violations_df[violations_df['Registration State'] != 'NY']
nonny_violations_df = nonny_violations_df[violations_df['Registration State'] != '99']
freqnonNYviolations = nonny_violations_df.groupby('Registration State')['All Other Areas'].count().sort_values(ascending=False).head(20).plot(kind="bar", color = ['#624ea7', '#599ad3', '#f9a65a', '#9e66ab', 'purple'])
freqnonNYviolations.set_title('Frequency of NYC Parking Violations by State')
freqnonNYviolations.set_xlabel('Vehicle Registration State (NON-NYS)')
freqnonNYviolations.set_ylabel('Number of Citations')

/Users/Monica/.virtualenvs/dataanalysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
  1. What time of day do people usually get their tickets? You can break the day up into several blocks - for example 12am-6am, 6am-12pm, 12pm-6pm, 6pm-12am.
  1. What's the average ticket cost in NYC?

In [48]:
print("The average ticket cost in NYC is $", violations_df['All Other Areas'].mean())

The average ticket cost in NYC is $ 102.727272727
  1. Make a graph of the number of tickets per day.

In [51]:
violations_df.groupby('Issue Date')['All Other Areas'].count().sort_values(ascending=False)

Issue Date
08/04/2013    4
07/26/2013    4
07/18/2013    3
08/12/2013    2
07/30/2013    2
07/20/2013    2
07/23/2013    2
08/11/2013    2
07/29/2013    2
06/20/2013    2
08/07/2013    2
07/19/2013    2
07/05/2013    1
07/07/2013    1
06/24/2013    1
07/14/2013    1
06/07/2013    1
07/15/2013    1
07/24/2013    1
07/21/2013    1
07/25/2013    1
07/27/2013    1
08/01/2013    1
08/02/2013    1
08/05/2013    1
08/06/2013    1
05/24/2013    1
Name: All Other Areas, dtype: int64

In [ ]:
freqnonNYviolations = violations_df.groupby('Issue Date')['All Other Areas'].count().plot(kind="bar", color = ['#624ea7', '#599ad3', '#f9a65a', '#9e66ab', 'purple'])
freqnonNYviolations.set_title('Frequency of NYC Parking Violations by Date')
freqnonNYviolations.set_ylabel('Number of Citations')
  1. Make a graph of the amount of revenue collected per day.

In [55]:
freqnonNYviolations = violations_df.groupby('Issue Date')['All Other Areas'].sum().plot(kind="bar", color = ['#624ea7', '#599ad3', '#f9a65a', '#9e66ab', 'purple'])
freqnonNYviolations.set_title('Revenue of NYC Parking Violations by Date')
freqnonNYviolations.set_ylabel('Revenue Generated from Citations')

In [ ]:
16. Manually construct a dataframe out of (only NYC boroughts - bronx, queens, manhattan, staten island, brooklyn), having columns for borough name, abbreviation, and number of licensed drivers.
17. What's the parking-ticket-$-per-licensed-driver in each borough of NYC? Do this with pandas and the dataframe you just made, not with your head!